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₹350 ₹200

Multiflora Honey 500 G


Multiflora honey is a versatile and delightful natural sweetener produced by bees from a variety of blossoms. Derived from the nectar of multiple flowers, it offers a rich and diverse flavor profile. Multiflora honey is prized for its unique taste, nutritional benefits, and potential therapeutic properties, making it a popular choice for both culinary use and as a sweetener in various applications.


  1. Nutrient-Rich Sweetener
    : Multiflora honey is a natural source of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing a nutritious alternative to refined sugars.
  2. Boosts Immune System: Regular consumption of multiflora honey may support the immune system due to its antioxidant properties and potential antimicrobial effects.
  3. Wound Healing: Applied topically, multiflora honey exhibits antibacterial properties that can aid in wound healing and skin health.
  4. Soothes Cough and Sore Throat: Its antimicrobial properties make multiflora honey a popular remedy for soothing coughs and alleviating sore throats.
  5. Digestive Health: The antimicrobial and prebiotic properties of honey can contribute to a healthy digestive system, promoting good gut bacteria.
  6. Energy Source: The natural sugars in multiflora honey provide a quick energy boost, making it a wholesome choice for a natural and delicious sweetener in various foods and beverages.